Student sitting at desk and working on workbook.
Pc Lower School:  grades k-5 Private Christian Education

8509 Westport Road,
Louisville, Kentucky 40242

Portland Christian Lower School

Welcome Back for the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Two young girls standing next to each other in a classroom.

This is going to be the best school year yet!

No matter if this is your first year at PCS or if you are part of a long line of PCS students, get ready because this year is going to be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.

At PCS, we understand the vital role that parents and caregivers play in a child's development. Our mission is to partner with you in this journey, offering a comprehensive educational program that complements the values and principles you instill at home. Through our collaborative approach, we strive to create a seamless and supportive environment that nurtures both academic excellence and moral integrity. By working together, we can provide your child with a consistent and holistic education, ensuring they grow into well-rounded individuals ready to face life's challenges with confidence and faith.

Dear students, we are eager to welcome you back for another great year...

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Portland Christian Lower School!

My desire is for you to grow academically, spiritually and emotionally and make huge strides towards preparing for your future education at Portland Christian School. I am eagerly anticipating getting to know you better and helping you enjoy and navigate through the upcoming school year!

Parents, I know this is a time of mixed emotions. I hope that you find peace in knowing your child will be loved, cherished, protected and educated to the best of our ability.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child!

Head shot of Mike Shanks.
Lower School Principal
Mike Shanks

What's New at PCS Lower School?

Two boys sitting at a table playing with a game.

REMINDER: School Supply Fee

In lieu of a supply list for each class, PCLS charges a $65 supply fee. This fee is charged through our FACTS system. On the first day of school, your student(s) should bring headphones and a backpack. Students are also encouraged to bring a sealable water bottle to use during class. Teachers will distribute classroom school supplies to students as needed.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the elementary office.

Large school cafeteria.

Lunch Duty Volunteers

Volunteer Sign-up to help with Elementary lunch from 10:30-11:45 AM.  

Lunches start at 10:35 so please arrive by 10:30 to allow time to sign-in and making your way to the cafeteria. All volunteers must have an up to date background check. To check status, send an email to

Thanks for all you do and helping us bless our teachers and staff at PCS.  Serving in this area allows the teachers to have a duty free lunch!

Sign up today HERE!

PCS 2025

Eagle Annual Golf Scramble

Join us for out Eagle Annual Golf Scramble on April 14th! The Eagle Annual is not just a fundraising event; it's a vital support system that offers tuition assistance to families who otherwise might not afford this opportunity.

Your participation in the Eagle Annual can change lives by funding crucial tuition assistance, helping over a third of our families. Whether you choose to donate, sponsor, or spread the word, your involvement extends our mission of faith, excellence, and education to more families each year. Click below for more details!

On-Campus Events & Activities

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)

The PTF plays a vital role in fostering a strong sense of community, enhancing communication between parents and teachers, and organizing events and programs that benefit our faculty, staff and students. As a new member of the PTF, you have the opportunity to get involved in various activities, from volunteering at school events to participating in fundraising efforts and supporting the school community. We believe that a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and school is key to providing the best possible education for our children. Your involvement and support are crucial to our success.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to getting to know you and working together to make this a fantastic year for our students.

You can also access PTF information through the following link: PTF Info

School Supplies

In lieu of a supply list for each class, PCLS charges a $65 supply fee. This fee is charged through our FACTS system. On the first day of school, your student(s) should bring headphones and a backpack. Students are also encouraged to bring a sealable water bottle to use during class. Teachers will distribute classroom school supplies to students as needed.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the elementary office.

Portland Christian Spiritual Life

Moms in Prayer
Would you be interested in being a part of a Moms in Prayer group here at PCS? Praying once a week for our school - leaders, teachers, and students. Interested? Email us and let us know!

First Chapel Series - Mystery Manor
In this series, kids will be like detectives as they search for the answers to mysterious questions they often have about God, Jesus, the Bible, and heaven. They will learn that all the evidence we need to solve these mysteries is found in God’s Word — the Bible! This series is designed to grow kids’ faith and teach them how to search for God in His Word. Check out the promo video here.

Bible Bowl

First Practice: Tuesday, 8.13.24 | 3:30 - 4:45 PM @ PCS
Practices will be held at school on Tuesdays through October 29

Our first ever Bible Bowl Team at PCS was a huge success! Congratulations to our team and BIG thank you to their Head Coach - Rachel Rolston for a great season! We are excited to launch our sign ups for the Fall. Students will be covering the second half of John this semester. We will compete against teams in our city and around the nation in three different tournaments - all held at Southeast Christian Church.

Fees: $135 (Includes registration, books, snacks, prizes, and cost of Nationals.)

Who: Rising 3rd - 5th Grade Students

Tournament Dates: Sept 15, Oct 13, and Nov 2

Parent Involvement: Bible Bowl teams are made up of 4 students and 1 coach. This is a very small ratio, which allows for great discipleship opportunities for our students AND it also allows for parents to grow in their knowledge of God's word alongside their child. We will need lots of parents to help make Bible Bowl happen! Please prayerfully consider this ministry opportunity.

Interested? If your son or daughter wants to participate in the fall or if you are interested in being a Bible Bowl coach, sign up here.

Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions, we are so excited to see what the Lord does in and through Bible Bowl.

Special Events & Activities

Hearty Party

Daddy Daughter Dance

Feb 21, 2025

Mother/Son at Main Event

Date: TBD

Grandparent's Week


Book Fair - Fall & Spring


APEX Fundraiser


Field Trips through the year

Dates through the year

Explore Lower School Clubs

Chapel Crew

led by PCS Spiritual Life Director Jaclyn Miles, is open to 4th & 5th grade students.

This club meets on Friday mornings.

The cost for this club is $25 per student.

Bible Bowl

led by PCS parent Rachel Rolston,  is open to our 4th & 5th grade students. This club will meet on Tuesdays  The cost for this club is $130.00 per student.


TippiToes is a dance class offered to our K-2nd grade students. This club will meet on Tuesdays.

Please click on the link for more information and to register.

Register NOW: TippiToes Registration

Bible Journaling

3rd - 5th grade

Thursdays 3:30-4:30 PM

Chess Club

2nd - 5th grade

Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Coding Club

4th - 5th grade

Fridays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm


K - 2nd grade

Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm


3rd - 5th grade

Fridays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Spanish Club

K - 2nd grade

Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm

2024-2025 Curriculum Information

All Lower School students will take the following five classes: Bible, Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Lower School Academic Offerings


Reading/Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • Phonics/letter sounds & blending/decoding
  • Oral & silent reading
  • Manuscript & creative writing
  • Listening skills

Bible - Purposeful Design

  • Creation and focus on Old Testament characters
  • Life of Christ
  • Life of Paul

Math - BJU Press

  • Number concepts & place values to 100
  • Recognition and attributes of shapes
  • Identifying money & values
  • Telling time/linear measurements
  • Beginning addition & subtraction skills

Science - A Beka

  • Weather and seasons
  • God's plan for animals and seeds
  • Health and our five senses

Social Studies - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • Our country and the world we live in
  • Life long ago and today
  • All about work

1st grade

Bible - Purposeful Design

The first grade Bible lessons guide students to trust God and to apply His principles to everyday life. Lessons follow a thematic, chronological study of the Old & New Testament.

Reading/ Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • Phonics/Phonemic awareness
  • Reading comprehension
  • Reading fluency
  • Encoding
  • Basic writing skills

Math - BJU Press

  • Number concepts
  • Computational skills
  • Accuracy/Speed
  • Money values
  • Measurement/Time

Science - A Beka

  • Animals
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science: Human Body
  • Earth & Space

Social Studies - BJU Press

  • Family and community
  • Jobs
  • Our land and nation

2nd grade

Bible - Purposeful Design

Second grade Bible lessons teach Old & New Testament truths through a chronological study of the Word. Students are encouraged to live faithfully with courage, compassion, joy, and giving service to other.

Reading/ Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • McGraw Hill Phonics
  • Spelling: McGraw Hill Wonders
  • Handwriting: McGraw Hill Wonders
  • Creative Writing
  • English/Grammar: McGraw Hill Wonders

Math - BJU Press

  • Number concepts
  • Computational skills
  • Geometry/Patterns
  • Fractions/Measurement
  • Data/ Time/Graphing

Science - BJU Press

  • Life Science
  • Human Body
  • Physical/Earth Science
  • Earth & Space

Social Studies - BJU Press

  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Early US History
  • Community & Government

3rd grade

Bible - Purposeful Design

Third grade students study the life of Christ, the early church, and missions from the time of Paul until now. Core concepts include evangelism and equipping us to reach our communities and world for Christ.

Reading/ Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • English/Grammer - Wonders
  • Handwriting: Zaner Bloser
  • Write Now: Right Now writing program

Math - BJU Press

  • Multiplication/Division fact
  • Geometry
  • Fractions/Decimals
  • Data/Graphing
  • Measurement/Metric Units

Science - BJU Press

  • Life Science: Plants
  • Human Body: Systems
  • Physical Science: Matter/Magnets/Motion/Electricity
  • Earth & Space: Rocks/Earth's surface/Solar System

Social Studies - BJU Press

  • World Regions
  • Geography

4th grade

Bible - Purposeful Design

Students in fourth grade study basic doctrines of the Church including sin's consequences, salvation by grace and through faith in Jesus Christ, empowering of the Holy Spirit, evangelism, stewardship, & preparation for Christ's return.

Reading/ Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • Class Novel Studies/ Accelerated Reader Program
  • Writing Program: Write Now: Right Now

Math - BJU Press

  • Multiplication/Division Skills
  • Adding/Subtracting Fractions
  • Adding/Subtracting Decimals
  • Area/Perimeter
  • Problem Solving

Science - BJU Press

  • Life Science: Life Systems
  • Human Body: Wellness/Body systems
  • Physical/Earth Science: Energy
  • Earth & Space: Balance of Universe

Social Studies - BJU Press

  • Civil War
  • Louisville and Kentucky History
  • World War II
  • Geography

5th grade

Bible - Purposeful Design

Students in fifth grade study lessons from the Old Testament that emphasize choices and their consequences.  The study of the rulers of Israel and the prophecies concerning Jesus are included.  A Ziggurat unit and activities are completed in this grade level.

Reading/ Language Arts - McGraw Hill Wonders

  • Reading: Wonders
  • Class Novel Studies/Accelerated Reader Program
  • Spelling: Wonders
  • English/Grammar: Houghton Mifflin

Math - BJU Press

  • Addition/Subtraction/
  • Multiplication/Division of Fractions
  • Geometry/Algebra
  • Ratio, Percentages, Probability
  • Problem Solving

Science - BJU Press

  • Life Science: Cycles
  • Human Body: Transitions/Balance
  • Physical/Earth Science: Transformations
  • Earth & Space: Predictability

Social Studies - BJU Press

  • American History
  • Civil War
  • World War II

Hear how Portland Christian has made a positive impact.

The Lower School Mission

If you are looking for a school that offers an outstanding and rigorous educational program that unapologetically places Christ at the center of their mission, Portland Christian may be a great choice for you!

Front doors of Portland Christian School.
Two children standing in a classroom holding a baby bird.

Want to Help Us Provide a Christian Education for Even More Students?

You can get involved, donate, or recommend us to someone looking to help provide a path to quality Christian education for students and families in need.

At PCS, we are committed to offering a high-quality Christian education that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, and social growth of every student. Your involvement can make a significant difference, whether through volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading the word to others who share our vision. By supporting our mission, you help create opportunities for more students and families to experience the benefits of a Christ-centered education, paving the way for a brighter future.

PCS Lower School Calendar


Area Contacts

If you have a specific question please see contact information listed below:

Lower School Families (K-5):
Dana Ferry
General Communication:

The cafeteria DOES NOT accept cash. Money must be loaded on to your student’s lunch account through FACTS in order to make purchases. Chick-fil-A served on Mondays. La Rosa’s Pizza (pepperoni or cheese) served on on Fridays. Gluten free options are available from both Chick-fil-A and La Rosa’s Pizza.

One-Call Now

This messaging system is full of new features that will make it easier for us to keep in contact with your family!

To begin receiving text messages from PCS, please text Alert to 22300.

One Call Now allows our school to send messages using phone, email, and text messaging.

Before and After School Supervision (BASS)

Before and After School Supervision (BASS) registration is located on your FACTS Family Portal under Web forms. We ask that you complete the registration if you plan to utilize this service either for Monthly or Occasional use Anytime this school year.

Please note, Occasional use no longer has a family charge per day.   

Before School:  7:00 - 7:30 AM 

• Monthly: $100 per month per single student, $200 per month per family
• Daily Drop-Ins/Occasional use:  $10 per single student.  

After School:  When Carpool Ends - 6:00 PM

• Monthly: $200 per student, $400 per month per family
• Daily Drop-Ins/Occasional use: $15 per single student
 After 6:00pm Pickup: $1 for each minute past 6:00pm

PCS is Filling Up Fast!

Don’t wait to schedule a visit. Reach out to our admissions team to tour our campus and meet some of our staff and teachers. We can’t wait to meet your and your family!

Contact PCS Today
Room full of books and a blue carpet.Group of young girls in pink shirts sitting on the floor.Aerial view of a sPortland Christian school building with a parking lot and a parking lot.Young boy sitting at a desk in a classroom.