Stay informed with our Head of School Updates! Periodically, we'll share key insights and information about new initiatives, academic developments, and important events at Portland Christian School.
These updates are essential for keeping our community engaged and informed about what’s happening on campus. Stay tuned to our website for the latest news.
At PCS, we are dedicated to providing a Christ-centered, academically excellent education accessible to all, regardless of financial means. This commitment is why the Taste and See Gala is crucial—it directly funds tuition assistance that benefits over a third of our families, making it possible for them to afford a Portland Christian education.
Your involvement, through donations, sponsorships, or spreading the word, plays a vital role in continuing our legacy of faith and excellence since 1924. Click on the button below to Get Tickets and learn about sponsorship opportunities for The Taste and See Gala!
Join us for out Eagle Annual Golf Scramble on April 14th! The Eagle Annual is not just a fundraising event; it's a vital support system that offers tuition assistance to families who otherwise might not afford this opportunity.
Your participation in the Eagle Annual can change lives by funding crucial tuition assistance, helping over a third of our families. Whether you choose to donate, sponsor, or spread the word, your involvement extends our mission of faith, excellence, and education to more families each year. Click below for more details!
Welcome to ’Eagle Eye Perspectives’, the podcast all about the stories and experiences that make the halls of Portland Christian School truly unique. Every episode we’ll sit down with the students, faculty, alumni, or community leaders who define what it means to be a Portland Christian Eagle. We’ll talk about the struggles, achievements, and issues important to our local community and - most importantly - how these challenges have helped shape each of us into who we are today.
Every student, faculty member, or treasured alum has a story to tell. And we’re here to help them tell it.
Join us for an All Family Worship Night at Portland Christian School! This special evening is a time for our entire PCS community to come together in worship and fellowship
The PTF plays a vital role in fostering a strong sense of community, enhancing communication between parents and teachers, and organizing events and programs that benefit our faculty, staff and students. As a new member of the PTF, you have the opportunity to get involved in various activities, from volunteering at school events to participating in fundraising efforts and supporting the school community. We believe that a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and school is key to providing the best possible education for our children. Your involvement and support are crucial to our success.
If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to getting to know you and working together to make this a fantastic year for our students.
You can also access PTF information through the following link:
In lieu of a supply list for each class, PCLS charges a $65 supply fee. This fee is charged through our FACTS system. On the first day of school, your student(s) should bring headphones and a backpack. Students are also encouraged to bring a sealable water bottle to use during class. Teachers will distribute classroom school supplies to students as needed.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the elementary office.
Moms in Prayer
Would you be interested in being a part of a Moms in Prayer group here at PCS? Praying once a week for our school - leaders, teachers, and students. Interested? Email us and let us know!
If you have a specific question please see contact information listed below:
The cafeteria DOES NOT accept cash. Money must be loaded on to your student’s lunch account through FACTS in order to make purchases. Chick-fil-A served on Mondays.
La Rosa’s Pizza (pepperoni or cheese) served on on Fridays. Gluten free options are available from both Chick-fil-A and La Rosa’s Pizza.
This messaging system is full of new features that will make it easier for us to keep in contact with your family!
To begin receiving text messages from PCS, please text Alert to 22300.
One Call Now allows our school to send messages using phone, email, and text messaging.
Before and After School Supervision (BASS) registration is located on your FACTS Family Portal under Web forms. We ask that you complete the registration if you plan to utilize this service either for Monthly or Occasional use Anytime this school year.
Please note, Occasional use no longer has a family charge per day.
Before School: 7:00 - 7:30 AM
• Monthly: $100 per month per single student, $200 per month per family
• Daily Drop-Ins/Occasional use: $10 per single student.
After School: When Carpool Ends - 6:00 PM
• Monthly: $200 per student, $400 per month per family
• Daily Drop-Ins/Occasional use: $15 per single student
After 6:00pm Pickup: $1 for each minute past 6:00pm